Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bailey McKade

OK, so we got Colvert's birthday over with just in time to celebrate a brand new birthday in our house. I am sorry that it has taken me so long but as all mother's know, when you have a newborn in the house things can get hectic. So, our daughter Bailey McKade was born on April 22nd at 7:13 pm. She was 8 lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. She is a very gorgeous baby but unlike her siblings she looks like her mom when she was a baby. The nurses had a very hard time getting Bailey to cry to give an apgar score. Even her shots didn't get a squeal. Even hear at home she doesn't cry much (yet) but the two things she hates most are diaper changes and baths. She screamed like the dickens when the nurse gave her her first bath and she did the same thing when we got her home and gave her a bath. It has now been almost 3 days since we brought her home and she is eating very well and sleeping even better. She lets me sleep at least 3 hours at a time, sometimes even 4. Now, the labor was not that great but what labors are great!? They induced me at 8 am on the 22nd and I just sat there waiting for something to happen other than tiny contractions that get you nowhere. The doctor came in and broke my water at 1 or so. There was a little bit of progress but not much. Then came the epideral and bigger contractions whick I couldn't feel and then, the epideral stopped working and oh boy could I feel those contractions but it was still nowhere near time to deliver. It was horrible. So, they gave me another dose of the epideral and when it kicked in I was great until about another 2 1\2 hours later when it wore off again. After the third dose of the epideral I was already in delivery mode but I was in so much pain that I couldn't push. That is why they gave me the last dose. 30 minutes after hard pushing Bailey McKade was brought into the world. The only complication was that she was born posterior which is no big deal. So, now everyone knows how the day went for myself and Bailey, here are some pictures of our beautiful girl.

Colvert and Rianne love Bailey. They love her so much they won't stay off of her. Giving her kisses every second they can sneak one in. Colvert doesn't like the fact that he can't feed Bailey. Rianne will drop everything when Bailey makes any kind of sound or moves at all. Rianne however is a little sensitive about there being another baby in the house. Colvert just loves being able to help as long as it is on his terms.

Isn't she cute? I don't think they come any cuter.

So, I think she has really cute feet and toes so I had to get a shot of them.
This is the day that we brought Bailey home. Nathan picked out the outfit with a little bit of help from mom. Because we didn't know if the baby was a boy or a girl Nathan had to go shopping, while I was still in the hospital, to pick out an outfit for her to be discharged in. He did a darn good job I think!
So there is our beautiful new baby girl. We are still trying to adjust to having 3 kids instead of 2 and I tell you, it is a little difficult but we are doing our best.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Colvert's Birthday

Alright so it was Colvert's birthday on the 16th so we decided to take him to Chuck E. Cheese's. But we forgot our camera so this is the best we got. I had to scan them in and brighten and contrast and do all that good stuff but it worked out pretty well, I think. However, Rianne was a little confused about where the camera was even though it was a big black bulky thing but she is still cute. The kid's had a blast at Chuck E.'s. There wasn't much for Rianne to do but she was happy just pushing buttons on some of the games there and riding in the cars that just rock back and forth. Colvert's was so excited and he loved Chuck E.'s so all in all I think it is safe to say that Colvert had a great 4th birthday. I can't believe his is four but what can you do. Life goes by fast and you can't stop your kids from growing up.

So, before we went to Chuck E. Cheese's we did Colvert's presents. He didn't get very much because we spent so much on the bike but he loves the bike and the rest of the presents. We got him the bike and the cars and great grandma and grandpa Vera and Frank got him the little chargers figurine thing.

Pictures of our beautiful kids

Hello Everyone it has been a long time since our last post so here is an update and pictures of our children. Nothing has changed in our house hold except that the kids are getting bigger and more dependent. So, here is a picture of Rianne swinging all by herself for the first time. She will not allow us to hold onto her anymore but we still keep a really close eye on her so she doesn't fall.

This is Colvert just having fun outside on the swing set. Moving here with the swing set already in the yard was the best thing we could have done for our kids. They love the swing set however, it is a cheaper swingset so the slide is not sturdy at all. Colvert and Rianne were both going down the slide (unfortunately we didn't get pictures) and the next thing we know Colvert is on the ground. The slide tipped over just as he got to the top of it. So, now we have to figure out a way to secure the slide so the kids can still play with it.

Now, this is a picture of our wonderful kids helping us vaccuum. Both of our kids have always loved to help clean. Expecially Colvert but here Rianne had to vaccuum too because Colvert was doing it. It was very cute so we wanted to share it with you.