Hello everyone! We just want to start our blog by saying HI and showing pictures of our growing family. First, we will start with the very first picture of our unborn baby. There were no signs of the baby being a boy so we think that it is a girl but we aren't getting too excited either way. Neutral is the best way to go just to be safe. So, here he/she is.

This baby has already been a slight hassle. I have been on bed rest for almost a month already. I am so tired of it but what can I do. We still love him/her and are very excited for it to come. And on we go. Here is Nathan, Colvert and Rianne dressed and pressed and ready for church. Aren't they cute?

Here is Rianne eating a banana for the first
by herself. How much cuter can you get?! Can't help but brag can we?

Now here is our first good snowfall in Caldwell. The kids had so much fun outside; especially Rianne. She would cry anytime she fell but she loved hearing the snow crunch under her feet. She would look down to see what the sound was and then she just started laughing everytime she heard the sound. It was so cute.

Colvert was having just as much fun. He and daddy built a snowman and, of course, once the snowman was made they had to tackle it like a football game but Colvert loved it. He made snow angels and helped Rianne walk on the uneven snow. We all had a lot of fun even though all I got to do was watch.
Well thank you for looking at our blog and all of our photos. We will keep the blog updated as much as possible.
Good Job. I giess I better get with the program. The computer and i do not get along so it may be awhile.
Cool! I am so proud of you. Looks great. Rianne is growing so fast, just like Kya I guess, huh? Neither Carl or I got your email. I got here through Debbie's blog. I will add you to mine. How fun, now we can get updated on your little family. Thanks!
hey Nathan we came and looked at your site are you happy now. love Kasey, Starla and Jacob Kingsford
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