Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Here are all of our Christmas Jammies.
Rianne's new favorite cartoon. DORA
Colvert picked out Batman for his jammies.
All of us in our jammies.
I forgot to take pictures while everyone was unwrapping but here is what everyone got. Let's start with Bailey. She got a my little pony, the jean and shirt outfit and the toddler sensory blocks from Santa. From everyone else she got an activity table, ocean sounds music box for her crib, tie-die onsie, flowery dress, crinkle book and toy and pink sweatsuit.
Now Rianne got a Dirt Devil vaccuum, jeans and shirt outfit and a My little horse with barrettes and comb (we put the barrettes away for now, she is not quite old enough for them) from Santa. From everyone else she got a baby stroller, baby diapers and bibs, a Dora sleeping bag, big pillow teddy bear, pink pant and shirt outfit, 52 states puzzle, light blue sweatsuit, tie-die onsie, pink long sleeve shirt, bubble bath dispenser, pelican ball popper, barbie tea set, froggy doodle pro, and books galore including barbie Rapunzel, barbie, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, regular Sleeping Beauty and Ride Along With Thomas music book.
Colvert got 2 tonka trucks, jean and iron man shirt outfit, and a monster truck from Santa. Everyone else got him a learning time cuckoo clock, a Wall-E sleeping bag, a very noisy ambulance, Kung Fu Panda movie, Cooties, a ton of hot wheels cars, a toy guitar, a double shirt and short outfit, reading chart and books, disney activity and coloring books with a read along CD, my friends tigger and pooh busy books and a baseball mitt.
Nathan got a bunch of tools from Santa and from everyone else he got a remote control Dodge Charger, a new lunch box, hunting unlimited 2009 computer game, Iron Man movie, Resident Evil trilogy and an AC/DC cd.
I got an electrical leg shaver and a glue gun from Santa and from everybody else I got a tigger sweatshirt, a 10K sterling silver tow ring, a diamond dial watch, a book titled JOY and Zuma, Peggle, and 100,000 games for the computer.
The family gifts include Elefun, The Kingsford plaque (which we completely love, thank you so much mom and dad), Operation, Curious George Dictionary book, On This Special Night book, Noah's Big Book, Birth of Baby Jesus book, Big Book of Colors with Magnifying Glass, Corduroy's Sleepover book, and Oceans Thirteen movie.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Fun in the Snow
We couldn't resist going out in the snow today. It was beautiful and the kids had a blast. We just took a walk around the block and enjoyed the wonderful snow falling down. It was a wonderful family outing for us. Daisy enjoyed the running and playing too.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
New dog, beautiful & funny kids, new couches
This blog is going to be all jumbled together with odd pictures but these first two pictures are mostly for my Kya. She wanted to see our puppy and I told her that I would post some pictures of her on the blog. So here you go Kya! Her name is Daisy Mae and she is half black lab half golden retreiver. The kids love her! Me not so much. LOL

Here is Bailey eating her first table food meal and it just happened to be spaghetti. She loved it and we didn't even have to teach her to suck it up.
Dress up with Rianne is always fun. We were trying on her birthday dresses to see which one would fit the best for grandpas funeral. This one is from us but it is still a little big.
This one was from Great Grandma Joan. It came with the matching doll dress. As soon as we got the dress on Rianne she immediately got down and went to find June her doll. She came back in and said "icture icture". It was too cute!
Bailey is now standing up all over the house. She is growing up way too fast.
Here is Colvert hanging from his pants. Colvert was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing, of course. All of a sudden, he started yelling for me. I went in and this is what he looked like. His pants got stuck on the spring of his tramp. We just had to take a picture.

We got a call from one of our bishopric members that a family was moving and had a nice hide-a-bed couch and love seat that they wanted to give to someone in the ward and they thought about us. We are so grateful because our last couch was horribly broken and uncomfortable. So here are our new but used and very comfortable couches.
This is just a video of the kids playing with Daisy Mae. You can also see our new couches a little bit. I am just so excited that I figured out how to download a video on my blog.
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