Well, not much has been going on. We are all so busy right now! The girls and I sit at home all day and then as soon as Nathan gets home we are off to the gym. I hate that I don't get much time with Nathan but we both understand that I really need the gym. I feel like I am doing so good and I am terrified to give that up. In 7 months I have lost 44 pounds. I still have a long way to go but I am loving it. You can see a difference in my face. I actually have cheek bones that you can see now. Also, all of my pants are too big and my shirts aren't as tight to my stomach or my chest anymore. It is so great!! Colvert has made the swim team at the YMCA and that has been so great for him. He loves it and he belongs in the water. He does his swimming from 5-6:30 and then at 7 after my swim class, he joins me to swim a few more laps on Monday and Wednesday. He is so great! Nathan just has work right now. But after work on Tuesday's on Thursdays when the girls are at the gym with me, he has been trying really hard to run. He is doing so great. I have actually started to see a difference in the way his clothes fit too. I think Nathan is getting very frustrated with me because I don't let him eat all the time like we both used to. I am making him watch his portions just like I am. I don't let him dish his own plate anymore so there isn't as much for him to eat. Plus, I don't make as much anymore so he isn't allowed seconds because whatever is left has to be kept for him to take to work. Sounds mean but it is the only way I can get him to watch what he is eating. Most of the time he tells me thank you and is grateful for it but we all have our days that we just want to be left alone to do what we want. And for him, doing what he wants, is eating...lol...The girls are fantastic. Rianne is turning 4 on the 14th and I just can't believe it. She is growing up so fast. She really wanted to start school this year but because her birthdays are in November she misses the deadlines. She was pretty bummed out about that. Her and Bailey are stuck together like glue though. I don't know what Bailey would have done if Rianne was gone all day. They are so fun to be around! I hear Rianne saying "Bailey your my best friend". It is so unbelievably cute. Bailey is now 2 1/2 and she is so big. She is literally 3/4 inches shorter and about 1/4 pound less than Rianne. They are 17 months apart and people up her ask if they are twins because Bailey is as big as Rianne. We are having problems with Bailey talking. She says the normal "no, mine, milk, food, mama, dadda" but beyond those we cannot get her to talk. It is so frustrating not knowing what she wants. We have been working with Colvert and Rianne on not talking for her and they have been doing great at it but Bailey still just doesn't talk. Anyway...our family is doing great! I am going to post our new family and individual pictures although most of you have already seen them on face book.

Great pics. Your family is growing up so fast. It is hard to believe Rianne will be 4 Bailey is almost 3. Rianne is a big boy and very handsome as are all of my grandsons. Thanks for posting pics.
Cute family pictures.
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